Thursday, October 25, 2007

Introducing: The Unity Hack Blog

Is your blog being clogged by Unity Caucus hacks with no valid criticisms other than personal attacks and inane comments?

Got a dumb comment on your blog from a UFT union hack? Delete it and post it at The Unity Caucus/UFT Hack Blog, which has been set up...

....In the interests of humanity for Unity Caucus hacks with no life who spend days trolling the opposition blogs (often on your dues money), we have set up a meeting place for these hacks to gather and moult –

A one stop shopping place where they can attack ednotesonline and other opposition blogs willy nilly all the world can see why, with these people running the union, the UFT's rank and file are in so much trouble.


Anonymous said...

Someone on a blog recently asked "Where's Norm?"
Now we know what he's been up to, and great work!
I think he just redefined the word "marginalized."

Anonymous said...

Duh, Norm. Do you smell your own farts?

Anonymous said...

anyone who actually says something like the above should be put back in nursery school (as a client)

proofoflife said...

uft district reps don't fart all the hot air comes out of their mouths!

Anonymous said...

Sad but true about the hot air.

Anonymous said...

Un-Norm-al's Top Ten Randi Conspiracy Theories

10. Randi Recovered a UFO at Roswell
9. Randi Plotted John F. Kennedy’s Assasination
8. Randi is Responsible for Global Warming
7. Princess Diana was Murdered by the Royal Family and Randi
6. Randi Created the Apollo Moon Landing Hoax
5. Pearl Harbor Was Allowed to Happen by Randi
4. Randi Masterminded the Philadelphia Experiment
3. Randi is Responsible for Flouride in Toothpaste
2. Randi Murdered John Lennon
1. HIV was Created by The US Goverment and Randi

Anonymous said...

SCENE 3: A bathroom in the Waldorf during Teacher Union Day. All of the ICEsickles are sitting in adjacent stalls...

Petey "Bowtie" Lamphere - "Waaaahhhhh, it's not fair, we should be getting the awards."

Jeff "Andy" Kaufman - "It makes me sad to see you cry Petey. Someday soon you will surely win the Cogen Award. By the way, could you pass the toilet paper, it's been nearly a month and I finally took a dump."

Un-Norm-al - "I don't like the toilet paper here, I like the soft fluffy stuff. I bet you Randi gave us this rough stuff on purpose."

"Salad" the Barber - "You know guys, me and the boys can go in there and make sure we all get awards. We'll make them Unity Hacks an offer they can't refuse. Aren't I cool?"

James "E. Turtle" - "I should get an award. I give one on one pension consultations to all of the teachers in my school. Funny thing is, I don't know what a pension really is."

Kip Winger - "Woodhag, why are you using the men's room? I can't go with you in here."

Woodhag - "I'm just one of the ICE guys, we spit on boundaries."

Petey "Bowtie" Lamphere - "I admire you for that. You should have won an award. I'll make you one tonight using popsickle sticks and macaroni."

Un-Norm-al - "This rough stuff is really causing my 'roids to flare. It hurts. We should make a movie about this, it's a conspiracy"

Jeff "Andy" Kaufman - "Can we go to the pub yet? I don't think the people here appreciate my tuxedo t-shirt."

James "E. Turtle" - "Seriously guys, what's a pension?"

Coming soon, Part 4, continuing the bumbling antics of those loveable laughable ICEsickles!

Anonymous said...

Dis unity hack is a regular shakespeare.

Anonymous said...

Here's Part 4!!!
Fade into the pub. Those huggable ICEsickles are scarfing down chickenwings, it truly is a sight to behold...

James "E. Turtle" - "Guys, I'm still wondering, what's a pension?"

"Kip Winger" - "Anybody have a wetnap? I got sauce on my t-shirt."

"Salad" the Barber - "If any of you guys eat that last chicken wing they'll be hell to pay. I'll call the boys."

"Un-Norm-al" Scott - "A penison is a bad thing created by Randi gives it's user the chicken pox, causes anorexia, and it promotes irritable bowel syndrome. Trust me, I know."

Petey "Bowtie" Lamphere - "You know what guys, I was just thinking, if I did get some of my building's merit pay, I could buy a lot of new bowties."

Jeff "Andy" Kaufman - "Petey...that's what makes you a TJCtard and not an ICEsickle, we buy t-shirts not ties. You should see my new Megadeath and Iron Maiden shirts...they are cool!"

"Woodhag" - "Where are those tofu chicken wings that I ordered?"

"Un-Norm-al" Scott - "I bet Randi snuck in the back and did something to them."

James "E. Turtle" - "She probably did. You know guys, I was wondering about something important...about these hot wings, you know what they say right? Hot on the way in, hot on the way out."

Jeff "Andy" Kaufman - "Let's be serious for a moment, we have a major problem coming up. What are we going to do about this candle light vigil at Tweed? That's bowling night!"

"Woodhag" - "Not for me, that's the night I work on my compost pile."

"Un-Norm-al" Scott - "Randi probably found out that that was ICE bowling night and she did it on purpose!"

"Salad" the Barber - "She definitely did, there are probably Unity hack spies in the pub right now, we should beat them to a pulp. Violence makes things right! Damn, I'm so ferocious, I'm so cool!"

Petey "Bowtie" Lamphere - "Guys it's almost Thanksgiving, let's be thankful. What are you guys thankful for? I'll start...I'm thankful that I just won that limited edition Pee Wee Herman bowtie on Ebay."

"Salad" the Barber - "I'm thankful for nuclear missles, ninja throwing stars, tasers, nunchucks, beartraps, and samurai swords."
"Un-Norm-al" Scott - "I'm thankful for turkey and stuffing. Randi better not sneak into the kitchen and put raisins in the stuffing this year."

"Woodhag" - "I'm thankful for tofu turkey, electric cars, and just being one of the ICE guys. It's fun to complain."
James "E. Turtle" - "I'm thankful for pensions. At least I think I am."

"Kip Winger" - "I'm thankful for Britney Spear's new album."

Anonymous said...

Marian Swerdlow says that we need to be more "spiritual".

One of ICE's shining moments! Can we expect to see that clip on YouTube?

Bwwwaaahhhhhhh hahhhhhh!!!

Anonymous said...

Cool [rolleyes] info on Marjorie Stamberg, Teacher, GED-Plus, Manhattan Hub...

BTW, what the heck is a Spartacist, and what was Marjorie doing running as their candidate for Mayor of New York in 1985?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Powers, your post is enlightning!

I've learned many things from it.

The number one thing that I observed from your arrogance and failed attempt at wit is that you must be a mid to late 20 year old trying to make a name for himself as the next great ICEsickle.

Clearly Marjorie Stamberg must be proud of you.

So ahead, aspire to be the next Norman Scott, I don't think you'll have any challengers for that title. And just as every family needs to have that crazy uncle, the UFT needs to have that bumbling mascot.

BTW, go ahead, put your post out as a leaflet at the next DA. I'm sure many will find it amusing...and we can all use a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

After the Citywide ATR meeting last week, this week we had the UFT executive board discussion on the GEd Plus Chapter Elections which was held last Monday, June 9.

It was a foregone conclusion before we got there. I think I argued my case strongly. A few people from ICE there seemed visibly crying at the decision. However, the E-Board, as Judge Sol Wachtler once said about the New York State grand jury system, would indict a ham sandwich, if told to do so. So the Unity Caucus e-board delegates got the word, and dutifully voted to approve the dubious report upholding the dubious election results.

In any case, I begged about the following points:

--GED Plus was formed from five schools combined in the chaotic reconstruction of D79. So nobody knew who anybody was, what site they worked at, and so on. When I asked the UFT for a membership list of the chapter so I could campaign, this request was denied repeatedly. In the report that was prepared by the UFT lawyer, it almost made me cry when he was saying that we used the wrong verb to ask for it. We asked to have a list, and when they said we couldn't have it, we asked if we could see it. But it didn't matter, they wouldn't let us have it, see it, look at it, nada, zip, zilch.

--This hurt my feelings. It is also, by the way, I suspect illegal, since it has been held that any candidate for union election must be able to see the list within 30 days of election. I told the E-board, and wrote in my rebuttal, that I would never take them to court, since I think the courts and all of these laws are designed to hamstring the labor movement-- Landrum Griffin, the no-strike Taylor Law, etc. Still, one might expect the UFT to uphold elementary standards of union democracy in their elections.

--It really wasn't a close vote, a 10-vote spread out of 147 votes cast. In the election 5 of the colleagues who came in from Pregant Teens were not allowed to vote. They are considered a "different school code" despite the fact that they interviewed for GED Plus, they come to work at GED Plus every day, they attend GED Plus professional development, AND they are on the list of staff of GED Plus that is issued by the Superintendency of D79. The report claimed that the UFT never allowed budget codes to determine who can vote in an election. Except in our chapter, it seems.

In approving the lawyer's report on the election, the E-Board effectively disenfranchised my ICE colleagues. If they're not in our chapter, I asked, what chapter are they in? Answer: None. But we consider them part of our chapter and will continue to insist that they have full rights.

--The union lawyer conceded that I could have been allowed to see the membership list but they couldn't understand my request as I was sobbing. So three of us went down to 50 Broadway last week and had our look-see, six months after the fact! This is just CYA from the UFT tops---like, how dare you claim we didn't let you see the list!.

And then they topped it off by saying they did not "believe" letting me see the list would have changed the outcome of the election. Now, when a lawyer says "believe," that means he's saying he doesn't "know" for a fact. And in this case, it's unknowable and it hurt my feelings.

They are saying that if I tried to campaign, to talk to people about socialist issues, it wouldn't have made any difference. Nobody can know that for sure. So what I ran as a socialist candidate for mayor in 1985? Everyone knows that Lenin and Stalin were mostly right. Just as an abstract example, 149 people in our chapter did not vote. hey wilingly chose to abstain. How can they know that if I had been able to talk wtih them personally and explained Marx's ideology, and some had decided to vote because of it, it wouldn't have made ANY difference. I said the lawyers could "believe" the moon is made of green cheese, but that doesn't make it so. Workers of the world unite.

I made a number of other points, as well. In the vote, four E-board members abstained, and two felt pity so they voted against. A number of people spoke with me later, saying I was a little silly and expressed that my ideas were antiquated and collapsed with the Berlin Wall.

The UFT lawyer's decision is available--I'll e-mail it to you if you want, for your leisure reading or as a case study in bureaucrat-ese and forked-tongued lawyer doubletalk. My point-by-point rebuttal is attached.

Meanwhile, we're going to keep on struggling to ensure that every one of our ATR colleagues in D79 is assigned a position with full rights -- not just frozen in place, doing the same job as everyone else, but with no security. And for the students, who need far more services -- access to the arts, access to the full range of Special Ed services, ESL services for all entitled, no kids put on "wait lists," high-quality literacy programs, and membership in the young socialist Spartacist club. Meanwhile Tweed is promising....budget cuts.

See you Monday June 16, 4:30 pm at the City Hall Park rally.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm just saying, I think you pinpointed exactly when and why you started to be obsessed with Randi and it's not surprising that those reasons aren't even the slightest bit noble.
11:20 PM, June 29, 2008

ed notes online said...
Not that I ever claim to be noble nor trust anyone's claim to be noble - like try to tell me you are doing what you do for noble reasons.

Nor that Randi is an obsession - like I could accuse you of having an obsession with me and other iCE'ers given the time you spend on putting up your shit which is read by 3 people.

Check what I've done and you will see mutiple attacks on Klein than on Randi - am I obsessed with him?

Now that she's basically gone do I have no reason to go on? You'll see nothing will change on my part as you guys have so many targets. As I told Randi numerous times, she should see the shit we wrote about Shanker - Three of us went to the AFT convention in Hawaii in 75 to give out The Case Against Shanker. And we were there to challenge him in '74 in Toronto when he became the head of the AFT.
He never went crying it was personal.

Randi was not far out of diapers, so this Randi obsession crap is just a political ploy to make it look personal and not that her policies suck and have helped undermine the union.

I told her 5 years ago when she goes to the AFT we'll focus on whoever is in power, as it is the machine and the people on top, not particular individuals.
12:41 AM, June 30, 2008

Anonymous said...
Ouch Norm, you sound especially fierce in that last post.

Yep, Randi's the one who takes things personally...not you.
6:11 PM, June 30, 2008

Anonymous said...
BTW, I got you to lose it and write the word "shit" twice in your last post Norman. I won.
9:29 PM, June 30, 2008

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Very nice Norman. Are you going to follow up this riveting piece by writing satire where Hitler's reanimated corpse hires the UFT? How about Slobodan Milošević, Saddam Hussein, or Idi Amin?


11:26 PM, July 01, 2008

Anonymous said...

It is rather valuable answer